• AgWorks specializes in the development and support of web-based, business solutionsWe can help your business generate sustainable competitive advantage by developing innovative products and services that open new markets, improve customer service, and simplify complex workflows.
  • Map-Based Reporting ServicesAgWorks can help you integrate mapping technology into your core processing systems. Features include extensive USDA CIMS integration, map-based Acreage and Production Reporting forms, robust digitation tools, import of boundaries taken from third-party devices, and display of historical weather.
  • Systems designed to support the crop insurance industry We provide an ag-based portal site (including real-time quotes and spot-based pricing), map-based reporting services, and extensive data warehousing solutions.


What's the biggest gap in crop systems today?

CLU-based mapping - 20%
Quoting systems designed to help farmers make better - 20%
In-field, crop loss adjustment systems - 30%
Systems customized for specialty crops/products - 30%
Great Falls
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